Dec 14, 2023Liked by Britton Boyd

Does your library check out ebooks for Kindle? My old library had a great online catalog that worked with Kindle and I loved being able to read library books as ebooks

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I am actually going through the same thing... my hubby just introduced me to Ramit Sethi, author of "I Will Teach You To Get Rich" which sounds like a cheesy scam lol I started watching his channel on YouTube and I'm so hooked. You should check him out. He has a background in social psychology and sociology, not finance, and I found his content to me super easy to digest and relatable. I'm coming away from "budgeting" and building instead a "conscious spending plan" which I find to me so much more helpful. (Ps it's worth noting "rich" in his terms has more to do with- "richness of life" and quality of life, vs making zillions and zillions). I like his youtube channel too- he interviews all kinds of people from all kinds of tax brackets. He's funny too.

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