Does your library check out ebooks for Kindle? My old library had a great online catalog that worked with Kindle and I loved being able to read library books as ebooks

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YES I forgot to mention that! I just signed up for it. All the books I want are on hold, LOL

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I've never been able to get my virtual hands on a Kindle Library book! They are always, always on hold!

I follow Hannah Louise Poston on youtube. She did a no-buy in 2018, and has a huge archive of how that went and how it continues to echo in her life now. She is a writer poet beauty influence that just had a baby too, so you might want to check Hannah out - https://www.youtube.com/@HannahLouisePoston

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Oh wow I will check her out!

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if there are any other books you want that they don't have- shoot your librarian a message on chat.... they'll get it for you!!! libaries love ordering new things for the collection, if they can, when folks request them :-) ---a library employee/librarian-to-be

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Thank you for the tip! Librarians have been some of the most joyful and helpful people I have ever met!

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Yeah, some libraries have a big budget for ebooks and some don’t. I recommend always placing as many holds at a time as you’re allowed and after a while you should start getting the books fairly steadily.

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I was able to get a book through Libby! It was an experience, haha. I am not ready to read it yet, and no one is in line for it, so I am just going to keep extending my borrow until I'm ready. Quite a few books came up ready for me, but I just passed it on to the next reader in line. It's such a neat system. I have my goodreads app, and I just plug in books in my to-read list until I find the ones with a low wait. I wish Goodreads, Kindle, Libby all seamlessly merged together.

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ps and yes, this is a great strategy!

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eBook budgets have expanded since the pandemic for a lot of libraries, just fyi! <3 (though, not all... ) You can also use academic libraries for your ebook needs if your public library has a smaller eBook collection. Librarians want to know what people in the community need/want- it makes the job of "collection management" and "acquisitions" so much easier when you don't need to try and predict trends. Also, a great time to make requests is going to be May/June- that's usually the end of the fiscal year for libraries and libraries need to spend every dollar of their unused budget!

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This is so neat! Thank you for sharing. We have an amazing selection here, Eugene, OR is a very community/accessability oriented town and they have such amazing resources at our library, and such a wonderful children's library to boot. My mom used to take me and my siblings to the library for hours and hour each week, so it feels very much like home and I get to share that with my little dude <3

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That's so great!!! I love the library.

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I am actually going through the same thing... my hubby just introduced me to Ramit Sethi, author of "I Will Teach You To Get Rich" which sounds like a cheesy scam lol I started watching his channel on YouTube and I'm so hooked. You should check him out. He has a background in social psychology and sociology, not finance, and I found his content to me super easy to digest and relatable. I'm coming away from "budgeting" and building instead a "conscious spending plan" which I find to me so much more helpful. (Ps it's worth noting "rich" in his terms has more to do with- "richness of life" and quality of life, vs making zillions and zillions). I like his youtube channel too- he interviews all kinds of people from all kinds of tax brackets. He's funny too.

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Oh, that sounds super interesting! Someone I follow on here, who I forgot the same of, was an accountant and now lives budget free in the same sense that you’re sharing about. I’m gunna have to dig deeper on this!

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